Scientific poster

Scientific poster design for a conference

This scientific poster was designed for a conference in DIN A0 landscape format. The four different main headings have been highlighted with bright colors.
In order to make the scientific topic more understandable, various infographics were created to illustrate the processes of the presented algorithm.

scientific poster
Scientific poster design in DIN A0 format
academic conference poster
Detail of the conference poster

The extensive text and numerous infographics, which make the topic clearer to understand, were arranged under the 5 obligatory main parts "Introduction", "Methods", "Results", "Conclusion" and "References".

A font size of 18 pt was chosen for the copy font, 55 pt for the headlines and 98 pt for the title in order to be able to read texts at a distance from the poster.

Printing: Digital printing on matte 170 g/sqm paper with lamination on the back for reinforcement.


  • Creation of infographics
  • Design/Layout
  • Typesetting

Scientific poster template

This scientific poster design in A0 landscape format is now available for purchase as a PowerPoint template on Etsy.
I also have other scientific poster templates in my shop to choose from. Also in DIN A1 format, and in portrait format.

scientific poster for a thesis
Scientific poster for a thesis about diabetes and fasting

Another scientific poster for a thesis

This A0 format academic poster was designed for a thesis on diabetes and fasting. Small graphics, icons and colored headings break up the text and should arouse the viewer's curiosity. The result of the scientific work is displayed centrally and in extra large type.

This scientific poster design in A0 landscape format is now also available as a PowerPoint template for download in my Etsy shop.

Would you like to have a scientific poster professionally designed?