Graphic design project workflow

Stage 1: Briefing

Every graphic design project begins with a brief.
In the brief, you define your requests and requirements for the end result
and what problems you are encountering with your current design.
Eventually these should be fixed.

Here are some briefing questions which I usually ask my clients, before I write a quote.


Briefing: Questions for graphic design projects

Is there a corporate design that needs to be considered?

The colors and fonts used in your corporate design and your logo largely determine the appearance of your company or your brand. These design specifications should be expressed in all media. If you already have a corporate design (possibly even with a manual), please let me know.

If it is a project where the corporate design is to be developed first, you can skip this question.

What is the scope of the printed matter (pages, format, print run...)?

DIN A 4, DIN A 5, DIN long... let me know in which format you would like to have it printed, how many pages the work has and the number of copies to be printed. Even if it is a printed matter that appears periodically, e.g. a magazine or mailing. Or do you only want to offer your information for download?

Which target group are you addressing?

If you want to address a very specific customer group, the design should also be specially tailored for this target group...

Do you want to publish in several languages?

Careful planning in advance can help to make multilingualism cost-efficient. So let me know which languages should be considered.

Should the work have a simple or exclusive look-and-feel?

If you address a target group that e.g. values exclusivity, then this need can be expressed through an exclusive look-and-feel and high-quality design.

Are special print finishes desired?

It doesn't always have to be 4-color printing on standard paper: With special printing techniques and materials, printed matter gets a very special look or feel. This gives them a higher value. The best-known finishing processes include: varnishing, punching, embossing, foil lamination.

Would you like a proof?

If you attach particular importance to color fidelity, a proof is recommended. This means a test print to check the quality of the print templates, especially in the case of multi-colored work on a printing press. The proof approved by the customer serves as a template for the printer to achieve a print result that is as similar as possible.

Do you have a specific schedule for your project?

Is there a specific date by which the logo or the printed matter must be ready and printed (trade fair, opening ceremony, product launch, etc.)? Or does one week or the other not matter?

Who provides the content?

Do you already have all the content together or do you need help choosing images or creating texts/translations?

Stage 2: Drafts

This stage entails developing drafts and layouts
I usually create two to three drafts on the basis of your brief. You then decide the direction.

Stage 3: Corrections and modifications

Corrections and modifications are carried out on your chosen draft.

Stage 4: Realisation phase

The draft correction stage is finished. You have given your approval for setting the print materials. Print media will now be prepared for printing.

While you can often work with dummy texts and images in the design phase in order to assess the effect of the layout of the draft, the original content must now be available at this stage at the latest. Dummy texts and placeholders will now be replaced with your text and images.


Stage 5: Awaiting you approval

The original content is now incorporated. The draft now awaits your approval for printing. You check the work one last time. If all the content is correct, you give your approval for printing.
With a logo design project, I create your logo in various formats and in color and black and white versions and make them available to you.

Stage 6: Publishing

The print materials go to press.

Would you like to put your graphic design project in professional hands to get a great result?

Just tackle your project and ask me for a quote. I look forward to your inquiry and would be happy to advise you. Of course without obligation.